Sunday, December 16, 2012

Friday fun

Friday afternoon. As always, I reached the football field late. Just when we got started, a boy by name Akhil fell down and got hurt on his private part. All the boys ran to Akhil but the girls did not realize what was going on.

Then the PT sir came around and asked what happened. Akhil was crying and he was very shy to say what happened.

So, he goes .. "I got hurt in my Central Processing Unit"..
Sir got confused.. and asked "What is a central processing unit"
Akhil said "It is next to the femur.. You go straight... take a left, go straight again, take a right to the dead end and you will find the Central Processing Unit"
Sir started laughing, and said .. "I don't want the driving directions and address. I want to know what happened"

Anirudh went away limiping..

I came home and told the story to my mom.. She also laughed out loud.

Are you laughing too?